San Diego Film Wedding Photographer
Shooting Photographic Film will get me out of bed quicker than anything else. it sounds ridiculous but its true. I understand that a lot of people think that digital is far superior and I agree. On paper digital is far better. You can get higher resolution images, unlimited photos and the photos have more latitude to edit, but in the end I prefer film purely because film has soul. I love shooting Wedding on film. The images feel much more present. Digital photos have to be edited to look closer to reality but film requires almost no editing. Shooting film is also a much more present experience than shooting digital. This is due to the fact that you have a limited number of shots and you are not immediately able to see the photo you just took. This makes you have to compose your shot carefully. In the end this is an element of what adds to beauty of film. I absolutely love shooting film at weddings. I would love to shoot film at your wedding :)